With the 2018 midterm elections fast approaching, many UNC students are eager to exercise their right to vote. Others aren't. Staff writer Lyell McMerty asked UNC students around campus, "Are you planning on voting in the midterm elections? If so, what issues concern you the most? If not, why not?"
Tran Nguyen is a first-year student at UNC.
Tran Nguyen
First-year media and journalism and music major
“Yes. I don’t think that there is one issue that I care about the most, but I am especially looking out for candidates who speak out about environmental issues as well as gun control laws and reproductive rights. This is just an extremely important election because so many crucial positions and amendments are on the ballot, and if we don’t take action to voice our opinions, we will be missing out on an opportunity to act on a civic duty and privilege that we have.”

Kristen Lennon
Sophomore computer science major