When Chelsea Clinton came to Carrboro to campaign for Hillary Clinton in 2016, Mayor Lydia Lavelle knew she wanted to give her a gift from the town. Lavelle's wife, Alicia Stemper, ran into Cameron’s, a gift gallery on East Main Street, and was quickly given a Carrboro t-shirt among other items without even paying.
Two years earlier, when Lavelle and Stemper were taking photos at their wedding reception at the nearby Hickory Tavern, Cameron’s provided them with a goofy, life-sized fish to spice up the photos.
But now, Cameron's is closing its doors in early 2019 after 42 years in business.
Sisters Wendy Smith and Bridget Pemberton-Smith, who have owned the store for 16 years, said they have worked in retail since they were teenagers.
Pemberton-Smith said working in retail is very demanding, both physically and in terms of time commitment. She said she’s looking forward to spending more time with friends and family after Cameron’s closes.
Bethany Chaney, a Carrboro Board of Aldermen member, said Cameron’s was known for its quirkiness, a quality which she said the store developed as its clientele changed.
“It focused a lot more on high-end crafts in its earlier days," she said. "And I think that its current owners have taken that foundation and really moved it forward to meet a new sort of customer, as customers changed and moved away maybe from high-end, wanted more variety in the store, and they were able to bring that to the store.”