On Feb. 13, 2018, as the DTH's then-online managing editor, I blocked a profile named Dakota Stone from The Daily Tar Heel’s Facebook page. Stone wanted a high-resolution photo from a September 2017 noise protest outside South Building, which we had re-ran in print on Jan. 15 as part of a spread on student activism.

While blocking Stone removed his messages from our inbox, DTH general manager Erica Perel managed to find screenshots of our conversation in an email sent to the Chapel Hill Police Department.
The messages from Stone matched the tone of a call Perel had received earlier, which she had emailed then-editor-in-chief Tyler Fleming, then-managing editor Jessica Swanson and the DTH photo desk about earlier in the day.
"Hey, I just had a conversation with a man named Jack Corbin who wants us to send him a high-resolution photo of the Silent Sam protest that ran in the paper recently," Perel wrote. "My advice is that we not send him this photo, and I'm considering calling the Chapel Hill police about the situation. He wants to identify someone in the photo as a dangerous criminal from Charlottesville and to bring him to justice, and he did not seem stable.”
Last week, the DTH ran an article on Corbin's harassment of student activists. Nobody in the newsroom realized then that he had harassed us, too.