Carrboro's Vecino Brewing Company is taking a break from Santa with a holiday event targeted at "Seinfeld" fans. This season, it will host a party for all those tired of the holidays — a Festivus for the rest of us.
Festivus will take place on Dec. 21, running from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Vecino Brewing Company. The event will feature Festivus-themed food, beer specials and an ugly sweater contest.
Festivus will also feature several things any "Seinfeld" fan will recognize: the airing of grievances, the feats of strength and, of course, the Festivus pole.
If inebriated people attempting to lift heavy things seems likely to end in broken bones, don’t fret. The feats of strength will be a Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots contest.
Leah Plumlee, Vecino Brewing’s chef, said she was surprised by the growth of Festivus as a holiday.
“It’s amazing how much it took off from that one episode,” Plumlee said.
Lauren Thomas works in marketing and communications for Vecino Brewing Company. Thomas said she thinks Festivus will be the perfect holiday celebration for any Grinches, or better yet, Costanzas.
“It’s a grumpy person’s alternative to Christmas,” Thomas said.
Thomas said she had seen several other breweries host Festivus before she had the idea to host one at Vecino.