Getting around UNC requires a mode of transportation. Many students take the bus or walk, some students bike and a few students skateboard. However, there is one student who has found a different way to their COMP 401 class: unicycling.
Meet Jasper Christie.
Christie, a first-year computer science major, can be seen unicycling to and from all of their classes as they weave through students on Polk Place walkways. Christie’s introduction to unicycling came from their family.
“All of my brothers also unicycle,” they said. “My older brother started teaching me, and I started learning to ride about two years ago. I took a break because it was too hard, and about a year ago I picked it up again, so I could kind of ride, but I wasn’t very good.”
After putting in more time and effort their second time around, Christie became more comfortable with the unicycle and planned to continue unicycling in college.
“This campus is pretty big, so I knew I was going to bring my unicycle,” they said.
Christie’s decision to unicycle also came from misfortune. They said their bike was stolen before the fall semester, which lead Christie to rely completely on unicycling to get around Chapel Hill.
“Turns out unicycling around campus is way easier for me than walking, just because it’s faster,” Christie said.
Despite the convenience of unicycling, Christie identified some of the hazards around campus that predominantly impact a unicyclist.