North Carolina residents’ voting rights have been severely damaged by the voter ID bill approved in December 2018, but the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) is offering a way for chancellors and school officials to protect students and their right to vote in coming election cycles. Chancellors of North Carolina colleges and universities can register with the NCSBE by March 13 to allow students to use their college and university issued IDs as a form of identification at their election polling locations.
Aside from our position as College Democrats in this great state, we are speaking to you — the chancellor — as your students and the future of our state. We urge you to look into this bill and sign off on the paperwork that is required from you by this deadline. There is absolutely no reason why you should oppose this, as this would allow students more access to the political process and encourage civic engagement. If you do not submit this paperwork, it will further hinder voting rights of students during the 2020 presidential election and beyond. I would hope that on college campuses, where community engagement and activism should be fostered, this would not be a problem.
The constitutional right for our students to vote needs to be a priority. We are here to tell you that we care about the future of our state and country, and we demand action from you on our behalf as soon as possible.
Melissa Cordell, State Council Vice Chair
College Democrats of North Carolina