I’d dreamed about college since I can remember. In middle school I made lists of schools I could see myself going to and spent hours on college websites scrolling through major choices. I remember my first college tour like it was yesterday.
The schools I applied to were wildly different. Big schools, small schools, private, public, liberal arts and even some research universities. But almost all of them had one thing in common - they were far from home.
In the years I spent dreaming about college, I always pictured myself in a new town or city, somewhere entirely my own. I imagined getting off the plane for winter break and being welcomed back by my entire family with questions about my new life. My mom said going to school in a different city was one of the best decisions she ever made and I wanted that same difficult, yet magical, experience.
And then I decided to go to school 15 minutes from my house.
It was hard not to feel like I was taking the easy way out. Every time I meet someone new and tell them I’m from Chapel Hill, I get one of two questions: what’s it like attending school so close to home and do I live at home during the year. I used to feel the need to defend my decision, even though choosing to go to an amazing school that has the perfect program for me should be a no-brainer.
In order to make up for going to school so close to home, I stayed away from the house. During first semester I only went home on scheduled breaks. I passed up on offers to go home for the occasional Sunday night dinner.
I was putting so much pressure on myself to have a movie-like college experience that I wasn’t considering what was best for me.
It took a while, but I eventually figured out that I can't be ashamed that my dream school is in my home town. Not many people are lucky enough to have a great university and their family all in one place. Not many people get to go home to see their dogs when they want.
I love that I can go out to lunch with my mom on a whim and I love that my friends turn to me for restaurant suggestions. I love that I can bring people to my house for dinner and I love that I can make multiple trips when I’m moving in.