While astrology, magic, tarot and other non-traditional spiritual media have existed for thousands of years, many agree these alternative systems have made a comeback in Gen Z culture.
Practitioners of magic and astrology are not the only ones who have noticed this revival. Alternative spirituality seems to continue to thrive in both business and academia as well.
Christian Berry (Gemini)
Christian Berry, co-owner of Everyday Magic in downtown Durham, has found both a successful career and a fulfilling spirituality in magic.
“Alternative spirituality and magic and all that jazz just sort of offers a more connected community with less prejudice and criticism than religion, in my experience," Berry said. "It opens itself up to your interpretation, as well as respecting ancestry and ancient ways and schools of thought. I just think there’s more room for a deep breath inside of alternative spirituality.”
Berry said the internet has been a major contributor to his business and the resurgence of magic and astrology in general.
“I own a shop that sells all these alternative spiritual things, and it fully pays my bills and lets me live a nice comfortable life," Berry said. "So, there’s more freedom inside of this world. I think the resurgence has been very much supported by technology and our access to the community in a cyber way.”
Berry said he recognized the difficulty many Southerners have coping with a traditionally controversial and value-challenging subject. He said getting those people to realize that reading tarot was not equivalent to worshipping the devil was usually the main hurdle. However, he described how nonreligious people also present their own challenges to the shop.
“At heart, I’m a scientist,” Berry said. “I’m a huge skeptic. There are many magical things I don’t put faith in. That being said I do live a ritualistic lifestyle and I do things that work for me, and that might be different from someone else. To the skeptics, I say ‘What do you have to lose? If you don’t believe in it, then open yourself up and let’s see what happens and you can decide after that.’”