A new website is now available to all student employees at UNC. The site serves as a central hub for information and resources regarding finding a job and getting hired on campus.
“You have students and you have employees,” Dave Turner, a senior business analyst from the Office of Human Resources, said. “Over history, there’s been a really solid line between those, but student employees are a hybrid we knew we’d eventually have to deal with.”
In 2018, Carolina had more than 12,000 student employees, making up about 39 percent of the University’s workforce, Transformation Manager of Operational Excellence Mieke Lynch said.
“We built this website as a one-stop shop for all student employment related questions, regardless of if you’re a student, supervisor or hiring representative,” Lynch said.
The website works in close contact with on-campus organizations that rely heavily on student employees, such as Carolina Housing, Campus Recreation, the Carolina Union and University Libraries.
Since its release in October, Turner said the University has been watching to see how well the website is received. So far, the most visited pages on the site have been the ones concerned with locating available jobs.
There are also tabs about policies regarding workplace safety, resources available once hired and the logistics of getting paid.
As with any other non-University job, student employees log their hours and receive either paper checks or direct deposits.
“At UNC, everyone is paid the same way,” Lynch said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a student employee. Everyone logs hours in TIM (Time Information Management) and payroll services distribute paychecks.”