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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Editorial: Submit a missed connection, find love at UNC

Ever heard of missed connections?

Well, if you haven't, you're in for a real treat this cuffing season. 

Missed connections were (are?) a popular Craigslist fad wherein hopeless romantics write love letters into the internet void in the hope that the nameless person who they saw in the park, or in class, or reading their favorite book in the coffee shop would see it and reach out.

With Valentine's Day coming up in a few weeks, The Daily Tar Heel's opinion desk is starting our own version of missed connections in an effort to help you all find that special someone.

Now, to clarify, this is not a call for Joe Goldbergs looking for their Guinevere Beck (or Love Quinn if you've already binged Season 2). 

Think more along the lines of Tim trying to find Mary again in "About Time," or Noah writing to Allie in "The Notebook" if you're more of a Nicholas Sparks person. 

Your missed connection letter can be short and sweet or, if you're a real romantic, a smattering of all of the notes you've saved on your iPhone about the person you cross paths with every day on the quad. You can even write about someone in your class that you've never had an excuse to say hello to, but you think you'd be best friends if you did.

Basically, the only rule with submitting a missed connection is that you're not a creep — this is about love, people!

If you'd like to submit a missed connection, and have it published in The Daily Tar Heel for that special someone to see, you can find the link to submit in our Twitter bio @DTHOpinion

Come one, come all, and let us help you make that special connection this semester.

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