A comedy show at The Pit in Chapel Hill is providing a space exclusively for LGBTQ+ performers.
On Feb. 26, The PIT is hosting a comedy show titled Friends of Dorothy. The show happens every fourth Wednesday of the month, and the proceeds go toward LGBTQ+ charities.
Stefanie Stewart was the producer for the show when Friends of Dorothy began in July 2019. It was originally created by Will Purpura, the former artistic director of The Pit.
“It offers a platform for queer performers,” Stewart said. “And while everyone is welcome, our audience is also fairly queer. It’s a nice opportunity for performers to talk about queer issues to an audience that gets it.”
Stewart said the show got its name because “Friend of Dorothy” was an old euphemism for gay men dating back to World War II.
Alley Steele, a junior at UNC, has performed multiple times at The Pit, including at the Friends of Dorothy show.
“I did stand up at The Pit a couple times before Friends of Dorothy, and it was a really middle-aged white male audience,” Steele said. “It’s kind of discouraging because as a younger, gay woman, the jokes I was making just definitely weren’t geared toward that type of audience.”
The show is split into two parts: First, three stand-up comics perform for about ten minutes each. The second part consists of improv acting.
Jackie Flannigan is the current producer of the show and has performed at Friends of Dorothy before.