Members of the Board of Governors' Committee on Budget and Finance gathered virtually Tuesday to discuss topics including funding allocations of the 2020 COVID-19 Recovery Act and the report on the UNC System Debt Capacity Study.
Clinton Carter, senior vice president of finance and administration and chief financial officer of the UNC System, said the N.C. General Assembly appropriated the UNC System $44.4 million for costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the meeting agenda, these funds were provided in order to cover the cost of remote coursework and exams, facility sanitation before reopening campuses and expenses for student and faculty assistance, such as counseling services and IT support.
The allocation of this money was determined by reports of each university’s out-of-pocket expenses as well as their expected expenses for the COVID-19 pandemic, Carter said.
Carter said the estimated expenses of institutions within the UNC System exceeded what the state legislature provided.
“The total expenditures, just out of pocket, not counting lost revenue, were just over $126 million,” Carter said.
Carter said of the total $44.4 million appropriation, about $20 million was allocated to cover 100 percent of the out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the universities. The remaining amount is being allocated to cover some of the universities' estimated costs through December 2020.
The amount of money that any single university could receive was capped at $4.5 million, Carter said. The three universities that reached this cap were UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte and N.C. State University.
“I think this was done very fairly, very equitably, and it was done without bias,” said Temple Sloan, chairperson of the committee, after the allocation of the 2020 COVID-19 Recovery Act was approved.