UNC Bhangra Elite will host its annual Bhangra Sutra event in an exclusively virtual format for the first time ever. The event will feature a variety of dance groups from across the Triangle such as UNC Loreleis, Tar Heel Raas, NCSU Nazaare and Duke Dhamaka.
On April 9, attendees can experience a dive into the art of dance from multiple colliding cultures represented by regional dance groups.
Parita Bhuva, a senior studying medical anthropology and biology, has been a member of Tar Heel Raas (THR) for all of her four years at the University.
Bhuva enjoys how each group has a bhangra segment included in their performance, which allows both the dancers and the audience to witness how the Punjabi culture intertwines with the other cultures that are represented. She said that in THR’s case, their performance encompasses a medley of Punjabi and Gujarati cultures.
For this year’s Bhangra Sutra, THR has been practicing a bhangra segment sent by UNC Bhangra Elite, which every team must include in their performance.
There will be a montage of Bhuva and other team members doing garba-raas, a style native to the state of Gujarat in India and THR’s style of dance, along with bhangra choreography as a finale for the group’s competitive season.
Raising funds for farmers in India
Neuroscience major, Kaathya Kashyap, has been an active member of Bhangra Elite for the last two years and serves as co-chair for this year’s Bhangra Sutra. She said that both she and fellow co-chair Nikky Soni met with the other members of the executive board and planned the event over Zoom.
Kashyap said that the goal of this year’s event, besides showcasing regional talent and culture, is to raise money for Punjabi farmers’ protests. Last year, they were able to fundraise through ticket sales, but this year forced them to turn to alternative methods, such as social media sites.