April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and UNC is no stranger to the sexual assault epidemic that plagues college campuses.
The 2019 AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct found that more than 48 percent of UNC students reported experiencing at least one type of sexually harassing behavior since entering school, while 29.1 percent — nearly one in three — of female undergraduate students reported being victims of sexual assault — higher than the national average.
Recently, many people in Chapel Hill and Carrboro are feeling unsafe after a number of harassment incidents have been reported involving a man named Tucker Frey.
Frey has a criminal history of attempted kidnapping and assault. Though he was arrested last week and charged with a Class 2 misdemeanor for trespassing, he is no longer in custody at Orange County Jail.
While COVID-19 has significantly impacted the way that people can ask for and receive help, many organizations in the Chapel Hill area offer remote support via phone, text, and online messaging.
Here are some resources for those who have experienced gender-based harassment or violence:
Compass Center for Women and Families
The Compass Center provides free and confidential services to individuals who are experiencing or have experienced emotional, verbal, physical, sexual or other forms of abuse. Their services include a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency housing, support groups and legal support.
You can call their 24-hour crisis hotline at 919-929-7122.