Chairperson David Boliek, who called the emergency meeting, addressed these speculations in his opening remarks.
Boliek mentioned both the North Carolina Open Meetings Law and the Human Resources Act, laws he said are often competing legal guardrails. The state Human Resources Act mandates that information in a personnel file remain confidential.
“These two requirements do not sync up often to allow full disclosure of personnel actions at the time of a recorded vote,” he said.
The Board's actions in last Thursday's meeting were meant to "prevent the premature disclosure of confidential personnel information" associated with the appointment of the provost, Boliek said. In the event of a positive vote, Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz had requested time to finalize Clemens' appointment and make a public announcement, Boliek said.
He said the Board did not violate the Open Meetings Law.
“That said, the Board has been unfairly accused of violating the law by not revealing all details about the nature of the personnel action at the time of the votes,” Boliek said. “And some have gone so far as to challenge or question the validity of our votes. Those accusations have unfairly stained this Board process and this Board.”
He said he alone called the emergency meeting to "immediately end any further attempts to question or challenge the validity" of Clemens' appointment.
Votes during the emergency meeting
Upon Boliek's request, Board Vice Chairperson John Preyer motioned to again accept Guskiewicz’s recommendation to appoint Clemens as the next executive vice chancellor and provost, with a salary of $425,000.
Preyer also said the vote was also to ratify — to the extent necessary — the actions taken to approve the recommendation previously last Thursday.
Boliek said the Board was free to disclose information during the motion because Clemens has already accepted the terms of his appointment and the news had been shared publicly.
Before the vote began, Trustee Marty Kotis III and Boliek then asked University General Counsel Charles Marshall if he could confirm, to the best of his legal knowledge, that the emergency meeting was in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.
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Marshall said he did not want to give any legal advice unless the meeting went into closed session.
“I’m comfortable with the fact that we are properly complying with the Open Meetings Law,” Boliek said.
After further discussion from Kotis, Marshall said he had no reason to believe the emergency meeting was out of compliance with the Open Meetings Law.
The BOT then approved proposed salaries for the executive vice provost and the chief of staff to the chancellor, positions that will be filled by Amy Locklear Hertel, the chancellor's current chief of staff, and Christi Hurt, UNC's current senior prevention strategy officer, respectively. Boliek said today's vote was done with prior consent from Hertel and Hurt.
Richards abstained from the vote, and all other trustees present voted in favor.
Guskiewicz thanked the Board for approving his request to authorize two salary appointments and said Clemens would do an outstanding job as the University's next chief academic officer.
“I look forward to working with Chris as a key member of our leadership team in this new role,” Guskiewicz said.
'I don’t want to have a do-over every time we do stuff'
It is up to the BOT, Boliek said, to take the appropriate steps in their meetings to assure compliance with the competing strands of the Open Meetings Law and the state Human Resources Act.
He said that while he believes the Board acted appropriately last week, it was important to him as chairperson to end speculation on the validity of the appointment and salary votes.
“I don’t intend to call an emergency meeting, a special meeting, every time social media or the student newspaper decides to question something the Board does,” Boliek said. “I don’t want to have a do-over every time we do stuff. I mean, it’s just not fair to us, and it’s not fair to the University, because the University needs to move forward on these actions.”