Orange County residents will have the opportunity to earn prizes through a new recycling program beginning in April.
The county solid waste management department developed the Orange Star Recycling Program to educate residents about recycling contaminants and to encourage proper recycling habits, according to a press release.
Robert Williams, director of Orange County Waste Management, said the Orange Star Recycling Program plans to operate for a four-week period in single-family residential neighborhoods in Orange County.
Williams said the program will increase community education regarding contaminants and encourage residents to correct their actions in the future, resulting in a long-term decrease in contaminated recyclables.
Cheryl Young, research and data manager for the waste management department, said inspectors will assess each recycling cart prior to collection. If they find contaminants, such as plastic bags and coat hangers, the cart will be labeled with an "oops" tag.
The label signals to collectors that the recycling should not be collected, Young said. The resident will then receive educational materials to discourage future contaminated recyclables.
Young said residents whose carts are labeled "oops" for the length of the program will receive a warning for cart confiscation.
"They will need to make some commitments to recycle right to keep the cart," she said.
If the cart does not include contaminants, it will be labeled with an orange star, and pickup will occur at the regular time, Young said.