On Sept. 8, the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) will vote on its proposed strategic plan, which will determine the organization's actions for the next five years.
The draft plan, released Aug. 24, details OWASA’s goals for fiscal years 2023-2027. These goals were created after considering community priorities, according to the document.
Climate change readiness and adaptation were identified as high-priority issues for OWASA in the draft. A climate action plan and drought contingency through Jordan Lake were both presented as solutions.
Technological preparation was also defined as a high priority in ensuring operative resilience, such as in the case of cybersecurity.
"We definitely know that we need to take all the steps possible to make sure our community is as protected as possible from any sort of cybersecurity threats," Todd Taylor, executive director of OWASA, said.
The organization used a departmental scan — conducted by OWASA's Strategic Planning Advisory and Resource Council (SPARC) — to help make revisions to its priorities, according to the draft plan.
The scan surveyed current and past board members, employees and community partners, with a total of 1,153 community participants contributing to the survey. A review of strategic plans from different businesses across the country was also included.
In order to better implement projects to address community needs, OWASA plans to regularly survey community members. Additionally, the organization hopes to integrate an online billing portal to streamline the payment process for customers.
OWASA’s plan also prioritizes employee recruitment through multiple outlined initiatives.