Beginning on Oct. 31, three roads surrounding the site of The 203 Project will become one-way streets as construction continues. The project is located on South Greensboro Street in Carrboro.
Traffic will travel in one direction on Roberson Street, Maple Avenue and East Carr Street.
The three roads and South Greensboro Street surround what used to be the South Greensboro parking lot, which was fully closed on Oct. 17.
“In order to safely work around the building, and have enough space to maneuver equipment, we have to extend the construction limits out into the road,” Ben Schmadeke, capital projects manager for the Town of Carrboro, said.
The construction is expected to be complete in Spring 2024. Schmadeke estimated that impacted roads will remain one-way for the entire duration of construction.
He said that although the roads might be temporarily blocked for utility work, they will not be entirely closed.
Nate Boreiko, an employee at Neal’s Deli, a restaurant near the construction site, said the library is great, but the construction is creating some hardships for nearby small businesses.
Boreiko said the Town should take into consideration whether its construction and traffic plans are hurting some people.
“I'd be interested to see how it actually ends up,” Boreiko said, despite some concern over construction.