The Editorial Board, composed of eighteen graduate and undergraduate students, has made its endorsements for the upcoming midterm elections.
Each election cycle, we research candidates running for seats that impact the lives of UNC students and Orange County residents with the goal of endorsing one we feel would best represent the interests of our community. We decided on several policy priorities to highlight in our interviews and research, and used this information to guide our decision-making. Read more about how we made our decisions here.
It’s easy to view this list as the status-quo pitch for a completely blue ballot, but we urge voters to ask more of their officials – even the ones we endorsed. A two-party system has created a rock-and-a-hard-place effect, forcing us to vote against a particular candidate, rather than for someone who we feel deeply reflects our interests.
We are confident that the candidates we have chosen have the potential to bring great change across the country, and here in North Carolina. At the same time, we urge them to take advantage of their strong campaign momentums and not back down to the challenge of bringing comprehensive, progressive and much-needed legislation to those who have been historically mistreated by the political system.
Early voting ends at 3 p.m. on Nov. 5 and Election Day is on Nov. 8. Absentee ballots must be postmarked on or before this date. We encourage everyone who is eligible to vote to do so.