When checking finances on ConnectCarolina, students may notice a number of different fees charged to their student account. Many students do not know what these fees go toward or what is covered with their payments.
Student fee breakdown
When looking at the “Student Financials” section of the ConnectCarolina Student Center, a tab labeled “Account Activity” presents the list of accepted financial aid offers unique to each student. The tab is accessed using the drop down menu labeled "other financial... ." After these offers, the student fees can be seen.
Listed on "Account Activity" is a breakdown of these fees: what they are, who creates them and who has the ability to change them.
Below are a few examples of mandatory student fees and their uses:
- A.P.P.L.E.S. Program: funds a student-led program to engage students, faculty and other community agencies in service-learning partnerships.
- MISC. Registration: funds the upkeep and maintenance of class registration processes.
- MISC. Student Transit/SafeRide: supports the enhancement of transportation to campus and other surrounding areas.
- Student Endowed Library Fund: assists in funding various library services.
- Renewable Energy: encourages the use of sustainable energy alternatives.
Review process
The Student Fee Advisory Subcommittee is co-chaired by the associate vice chancellor for finance and budget – who acts as a designee for the vice chancellor for finance and operations — and the student body president.
“Student fees are selected by the Board of Governors. All of them have to be approved, but the process for adjusting them and levying them begins at the campus level,” Logan Grodsky, undergraduate treasurer for the Undergraduate Student Government, said.