In the two years since Emmy Martin joined The Daily Tar Heel, she’s spent more time in the newsroom than anywhere else.
When she’s not taking a nap on the couch or conducting an interview in the newsroom’s supply closet, Martin is leading the City & State desk, where she’s covered everything from nurse burnout during the height of the pandemic to protests in Raleigh following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
On Saturday morning, the Editor Selection Committee chose Martin to be the DTH’s next editor-in-chief. Her platform includes restructuring newsroom leadership, focusing on multimedia and digital storytelling, holding the paper accountable to its readers, continuing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and addressing editor burnout.
Martin is a current sophomore majoring in journalism and political science with a minor in data science. She began working at the DTH during her first semester at UNC and was promoted to senior writer in just two months. Prior to her role as City & State editor, Martin worked as an assistant editor for City & State in spring 2022 and was the DTH's managing editor during the following summer.
“It was super terrifying to jump into editing as a first-year,” she said. “But I think it really gave me a taste of editing and being a part of the newsroom and made me want to really jump into the DTH.”
Selection as editor-in-chief
Delores Bailey, executive director of EMPOWERment Inc., served on the Editor Selection Committee as a community representative and said she was impressed with Martin’s maturity and accountability during her interview.
“She’s going to be a junior,” Bailey said. “And that’s going to be an interesting load for her to be the editor-in-chief of The Daily Tar Heel. But it felt completely like she could handle it.”
Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez, who was co-editor-in-chief of the DTH in 2020, was a member of Saturday's selection committee. He said he was impressed by Martin's ambition and her ideas for streamlining newsroom workflow.