After a second campus lockdown due to an armed individual this month, our North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland, Rutherford) suggested that UNC needs more firearms to be safe.
"Criminals are going to have guns," Moore said to News & Observer reporters on Thursday morning at the legislative building. "And the best deterrent against a criminal with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
Because that is what our campus requires right now. More guns.
Hey Tim, if you're not too busy fighting allegations of attempting to bribe your affair partner's husband at Biscuitville, let's imagine what your perfect world – where students and professors are allowed to carry guns on campus – looks like.
You are in the Student Union grabbing a bagel from Alpine Bagel. After an argument at the register, you see someone draw a gun.
You, of course, stay strapped. So, you pull out your constitutional carry weapon, fire and take down the threat! Thankfully you – a good guy with a gun – were there to stop it. You go and grab your bagel.
I, having heard gunfire, run into the Student Union. Upon seeing a gun drawn and a body on the ground, I pull out my gun. As you try to tell me you're actually the good guy with a gun, I fire.
I feel confident in my actions as a “Good Guy With a Gun” (trademark pending). Luckily, during an active shooter scenario, there’s never any chance of confusion. Bad guys with guns are easily recognized by their twirlable cartoon mustaches.
This is true! It says so in the Constitution.