On Saturday, the sun set over a sold-out crowd for the last night of the 28th Efland Ruritan Club Rodeo.
Thousands of people came to watch the rodeo’s eight events — bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, tie-down calf roping, breakaway roping, steer wrestling, team roping, barrel racing and bull riding.

Chris Riddle, 24, of Conover, secures his saddle before the buck 'n' ride competition on Friday, Oct. 3, 2008, in Efland. It was the first time the Efland Rodeo has held a bull fighting competition. There was also barrel racing, bronco riding, calf roping and steer wrestling.
DTH File/Jessey Dearing
“It’s something that people look forward to every year, especially people around this area,” Anthony Cecil, the Ruritan Club’s president and the rodeo chairman, said.
Cecil has been involved with the Ruritan Club, a civic engagement organization, and the rodeo since the 1990s. He said it is their biggest event every year, and planning for this year began last November.
The proceeds from the event go toward the operation of the Efland Ruritan Club and their service projects. The club provides scholarships to six local high school students each year. They also support local public parks, facilities and emergency services.
“Whatever we can give to the community, that’s what we do,” Cecil said.
Cecil said the rodeo couldn’t happen without the support of around 50 local sponsors, many of which have been involved for years.
Tyler Brown has announced the Efland Rodeo more times than he can count from the wooden stand overlooking the arena, adjacent to rodeo stalls and within sight of horse and livestock trailers.