A dining meal swipe, according to Carolina Dining Services, can cost between approximately $8 to $16 at UNC, depending on the meal plan.
While meal plans are convenient, particularly for those in their first year at UNC, some find the price too high.
First-year Hawa Ahmed canceled her meal plan this spring semester after a dissatisfying experience with on-campus dining in the fall. Instead, she said she began cooking in her residence hall.
“Weekly groceries are like $80 and I completely canceled my meal plan, so in terms of affordability, it works well with me,” she said.
Some students with dietary restrictions, like first-year Lahari Pokala, may also find that the dining hall offers limited options.
Pokala said her experience with vegetarian dining hall options has varied.
“I prefer to make my own vegetarian food and add my own spices,” she said.
Residence halls have kitchens that students who live on campus can utilize to cook their meals.
Kitchens vary depending on the building but typically include a sink, oven, stove and microwave. Additionally, UNC's Residence Hall Association provides items like pots, pans and cooking utensils that students can check out from the front desk of their residence hall.