On Thursday morning, the UNC Board of Governors voted to repeal Section 300.8.5 of the UNC Policy Manual, which required diversity and inclusion services and officers for all 17 UNC System institutions.
The section of the policy manual, adopted in 2019, required a designated UNC System Office diversity and inclusion liaison and a D&I officer to be appointed at each UNC System institution as well as being a part of a UNC System D&I council.
At UNC-Chapel Hill, D&I initiatives include programs like Carolina Covenant — a need-based financial aid package and support network — and identity-based groups for students in STEM and business fields.
According to Beth Lutz, the media relations manager at UNC, financial aid programs like Carolina Covenant will not be affected because the funding comes from federal, state and University funds, not DEI funding.
The motion to repeal passed by a majority vote with only two members, Joel Ford and Sonja Phillips Nichols, voting against removing the policy. There were 22 of the 24 BOG members present.

Prior to the meeting, a group of approximately 30 students and community members gathered across the street from the building in which the UNC System offices are held. They spoke to the press about the importance of DEI services at their respective institutions and the harm of its removal.
Five seats within the meeting room were open to the public, which were filled by students that had been speaking outside beforehand. Two students were arrested after attempting to enter the lobby of the building in which the meeting was being held and were charged with second degree trespass and resisting a public officer, respectively.
After the vote, the students present at the meeting stood up and left, one with her fist in the air.