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The Daily Tar Heel

Column: How to make a home at college


Natalie McCormick, The Daily Tar Heel's summer editor-in-chief, performs at her final Cadence a capella concert on April 5, 2024.

Coming into UNC as an out-of-state transfer student, I was scared. I didn’t know anyone and the thought of starting over — even though it was at my dream school — was daunting. I set out to find my home at UNC which at times felt challenging, but once I settled in I realized it was the best decision I could’ve made for myself. 

As a former opera singer, I knew that I wanted to be involved in singing when I came to UNC. Unsurprising to most people that know me, I know the entire "Pitch Perfect" franchise like the back of my hand. Auditioning for the different a cappella groups on campus and joining Cadence A Cappella my first semester at UNC allowed me to be my most creative self with a group of 15 girls that became some of my closest friends. 

After spending 15 years at an all-girls school, I was looking for a similar community to that one. I did not want to go through sorority formal recruitment and chose to do continuous open bidding — or COBing — in the spring. As a member of Pi Beta Phi, I was able to meet my best friends, the ones you know will stick around forever. 

After a couple of failed attempts at different majors, I found myself sitting in a career exploration course wondering what life had in store for me. Through a series of personality tests, job quizzes and conversations with my professor, they told me something that I have known my whole life — I love to talk, and I have a passion for storytelling. Enter, the Hussman School of Journalism and Media. Although I had never seriously considered a career in journalism, everything clicked once I got into the school. I fell in love with my major, had the most wonderful professors and am forever grateful for the opportunities I got through the school. 

One of the most rewarding things that I did in college was write for The Daily Tar Heel. I applied shortly after declaring my journalism major and have never looked back. It was truly love at first sight with The DTH and I feel so grateful to have gotten my start in a newsroom as amazing as this one.  

Take it from me, a recent grad who is very sad to be leaving this little slice of light blue heaven — you will be OK. I know, I know, everyone has told you this. And while the first couple months might take some adjusting, I suggest that you find your home — a place where you can be your truest self.

I wish I could do it all over again — and I wouldn’t change a thing.


@dthopinion |

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