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The Daily Tar Heel

Column: It's OK to change your mind, in fact, I recommend it

Photo courtesy of Ananya Cox.

Looking back on my first year of college, which has just now entered my rearview mirror, I can recognize that there was something more meaningful to the numerous changes on my transcript over the year than just being an indecisive 18-year-old.

My best advice for incoming students: explore and don’t be afraid to admit you love something when you find it. 

I entered UNC as a history major, just knowing that I loved the subject, but with absolutely no idea what I was going to do with it. My parents were definitely asking me about that last part.

My major changed from history to biology, which I felt so strongly about until taking more classes. I was suddenly lost again. Then to Spanish, because it was applicable, until I, again, realized I wasn’t enjoying the classes. Back to the drawing board.

Combined with trying to work in all my first-year requirements, I felt like I was making no progress in figuring out what I wanted to focus on in college, and in the back of my mind, in life. It seemed as though I had both too many and not enough interests, and I felt more lost than ever. 

I then made the best decision of the entire year. I focused my attention on my extracurriculars, which helped me find balance and hone myself back in on what I truly felt passionate about doing. 

I went to practice and tournaments as a member of the UNC women's club water polo team, providing me structure, exercise and a support system. The team kept me grounded and the pool was a place that I could forget about everything else I was worrying about and just play for the full hour.

I also began to write stories for The Daily Tar Heel which fueled me and made me feel like I was doing something meaningful with my time. I found that pushing myself to be better outside of school helped me the most to find myself in it. 

As strange as it may sound, MEJO 153, an introductory writing and reporting class with a professor and environment that inspired me, cemented my belief that the media and journalism major was for me. Combined with the experiences I had with The DTH, I felt like I had finally started to find my place.

Through my experiences, I found that the main thing that drove me was being able to tell stories honestly, and with the understanding that each story involved people, all of which deserve to be treated by humanity. This principle keeps me grounded in what I do each and every day, whether it be for the paper, or otherwise.

As someone who was described as "really using the system" by an academic advisor last year for how many times I changed classes and majors, I had no idea what to do with myself, but I now feel like I’ve grown to reach a point of peace after being allowed to explore and make mistakes.

Regardless of how many times I visited the academic advising office, or switched my schedule on ConnectCarolina, I’m glad I did it, and I’ve made incredible friends from the process.

The beautiful thing about enrolling at UNC is that you can, and should, try new things, take classes you hadn’t ever heard of, join a new club or sport — but most importantly, allow yourself to make mistakes.

Being honest with yourself can be scary. Push yourself to be brave enough to deal with your true feelings now, instead of regretting it later. 

Don’t worry too much and have a great year, you’re going to seriously kill it.


@dthopinion |

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