Column: FDOC fashion makes me want to dress up for class
Junior Matthew Owusu holds his skateboard while posing for a portrait during the the first day of class on Aug. 19, 2024.
My new school year resolution: I’ll dress up for class every single day.
Will I inevitably show up to my 8 a.m. class in leggings and a t-shirt at some point? Probably. But, I have a dream and a closet full of clothes that I should wear more often. Hopefully this column will help me fulfill it.
It seems like everyone feels this way during the first week of classes. Over the last two years at UNC, I’ve realized FDOC features the best collection of outfits that this university has to offer. Therefore – dressed up in pants that got me so many compliments that I will definitely wear them again – I asked students about their first day of school fashion choices.
Sophomore Michael Vineyarddescribes his style as maximalist, and said he’s consistent with it, no matter the weather. He said that even though only a certain few people dress like him on campus, people treat him better because of his style.
Michael Vineyard poses in the pit during the the first day of class on Aug. 19, 2024.
Shirt: Depop, Jean Shorts: from a thrift store in Morganton, N.C., Boots: Demonia, Belts: Amazon, Hot Topic, Necklace: from a pawn shop in Sevierville, T.N.
“I don’t know, it gives you a certain kind of social currency, where people see that you’re wearing this cool outfit and it’s like 'oh, they seem cool',” Vineyard said.
SophomoreAdeti Mohanselvan also consistently dresses up, saying it makes her feel more productive. She was especially excited about her skirt in this outfit, which she highlighted as “really cute”. (I agree!)
Much like her own ever-changing style, Mohanselvan said that it’s hard to say UNC students have one distinct look.
“I feel like wherever you go on campus, there’s a different vibe of dressing, because I lived in Granville last year and there was a lot of athleisure, and I go to campus and I see the jorts! And I love it,” said Mohanselvan.
Junior Jessica Williamson’ style, on the other hand, can be easily defined.
Jessica Williamson shows off her outfit during the the first day of class on Aug. 19, 2024.
Tank Top: Thrifted in Georgetown, D.C., Skirt: DD’s Discount Store, Socks: Nike, Bracelets: From Ghana and En Route Jewelry, Necklaces: En Route Jewelry, Belt: From her grandmother
“I’ve been getting a lot of compliments saying I look like a Bratz doll, and they have been my biggest inspiration since I was a kid, so I definitely get a lot of my inspiration from Bratz, and just the early 2000s in general,” said Williamson.
According to Williamson, the Bratz look has not overtaken campus. Instead, she said that she sees most people wear more athletic or casual wear. Williamson estimated that she dresses similar to this outfit about 70 percent of the week.
It can be hard to have that kind of consistency, though. Sophomore Arwa Sattar made it clear that her outfit is an FDOC special.
She said she feels like she matches other students in her most casual clothing, but she finds more connections when she’s dressed up.
“I think it’s easy to bond with people over outfits and stuff like that,” she said.
JuniorMatthew Owusu said that he’d rather not look like everyone else on campus. He gets some inspiration from his peers, but more than that, other students on campus motivate him to dress up.
Junior Matthew Owusu poses during the the first day of class on Aug. 19, 2024.
Shirt: Thrift store in V.A., Pants: Thrift store in M.D./V.A., Shoes: Brown Air Force Ones from a resale store, Necklaces: From friend, Earrings: Amazon, Rings: Thrift stores, Skateboard: Amazon
“It’s nice when I get compliments about stuff I’m wearing, which is really cool, Owusu said. I feel like that pushes me to not dress bummy. Some days I’m like 'ah, I’ll see other people outside, so I should dress better.'"
After interviewing people up and down the Pit, I found that Owusu’s statement was right — I do feel more motivated to dress up. All bets are off on my resolution when it starts raining, but wish me luck!