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Column: Thank you Gov. Cooper for highlighting Kamala Harris’ record

Gov. Roy Cooper speaks at a campaign event for Kamala Harris in Raleigh on Friday, Aug. 16, 2024.

On the closing night of the Democratic National Convention, Gov. Roy Cooper brought his A-game. His speech, the last before Vice President Kamala Harris officially accepted her presidential nomination for the Democratic ticket, brought a much-needed take on Harris’ record. 

Despite Harris’ name recognition as vice president, many voters do not know much about her role in the administration and know even less about her record before 2020.

Cooper used his speech as an opportunity to highlight exactly that. Using their shared background as attorney generals during the housing crisis in 2011, Cooper spoke about Harris’ strength and leadership during a difficult time for American homeowners.

She went toe-to-toe with some of the world’s most powerful executives, and she refused to give in. Let me tell you, this was a huge risk, but she knew it was a risk worth taking. That’s Kamala,” he said.

This is exactly the perspective that the DNC needed. It’s heartwarming to hear Harris’ sister speak to her character and her husband admire her balancing of roles in both the White House and their family, but those perspectives alone won’t cut it. Those traits of compassion are absolutely needed in world leaders, but they won’t determine their capacity to get the hardest jobs done.

In a change-oriented campaign like Harris’, there needs to be clear evidence that the candidate is capable of effecting all of the change they’re promising. It’s easy to point out all the policies that need reform, but voters have to buy that their candidate will actually do something for them. 

Cooper reassured Harris’ capacity to tackle her campaign’s ambitious goals. “That was the first time I saw Kamala in action,” Cooper said about Harris' time as California's attorney general, “and what I saw was a leader who does exactly what she says she’s going to do, who will never settle for less.”

This background matters. Not only do voters better understand their candidate, but Kamala Harris also becomes perceived as the fierce force of change that many Americans have been waiting for.

Highlighting Harris’ background adds balance to what has been a mostly light-hearted campaign. We’ve all seen the coconut tree memes, and for the most part, they’ve been a smart way to bring joy and enthusiasm into the forefront, but we’re missing something. We also have to remember who we’re dealing with. This candidate shouldn’t just remind you of your goofy relative that you see at family reunions — she should strike you as a former prosecutor who is more than qualified to hold the highest office of our nation.

Using his testimony to light a fire under Americans tired of the status quo, Cooper affirmed his confidence in the Democratic presidential nominee. “America, we’ve got a lot of big fights ahead of us, and we’ve got one hell of a fighter to take them on.”

The strength of the Harris campaign is that it can play to both sides. Voters like candidates who feel like someone they know. They feel confident that through shared experiences, their elected officials can better act on their behalf being in touch with the average American’s struggles. But this should not deprive the chance to appear equally strong and politically able.

Roy Cooper opened up the possibilities in the Harris campaign’s messaging. It’s now on them to keep it balanced. For every lighthearted compilation of Harris laughing about yellow school buses, there should be equal acknowledgement of the reforms that she’s capable of making, evident in her illustrious career as a prosecutor, senator and vice president. Her campaign is bringing an energy unlike any recent presidential bid. That’s important, but it also must stay true to voters’ genuine concerns about the policies and outcomes at stake.


@dailytarheel |

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