The Daily Tar Heel
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Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Column: Opinion should challenge your opinions

Sydney Baker (left) is the 2024-2025 assistant opinion editor for The Daily Tar Heel. Connor Foote (right) is the 2024-2025 opinion editor for The Daily Tar Heel.

A great opinion piece does not create peace. 

A great opinion piece sparks discourse, varying responses and conversation. It might lead to emotionally charged discussion or even anger. Writing an opinion article just because it will be well-received or praised by The Daily Tar Heel audience is safe, and therefore unproductive, journalism. 

Angering our audience is never a goal of the Opinion Desk. However, we strive to challenge readers’ viewpoints, expose them to new perspectives and evoke productive criticism in every column. Opinion pieces should not project a flat stance. They should acknowledge challenging viewpoints, be nuanced, deeply explored and adopt an interesting, unique angle that is not often considered.

Columns reflect the outlooks and experiences of the writer, not the newsroom. That’s a distinction often lost in publication. You will not agree with every stance our writers express, nor should you. Opinion articles do not represent the views of the newsroom and are the sole expressed opinion of the writer. Similarly, the Editorial Board does not represent the views of the paper — it’s representative of a small group of Opinion staffers, not the paper as a whole.

One of the most prominent features of the Opinion Desk is that our writing is not only produced by DTH staffers. Through op-eds, any person with unique perspectives and experiences can have a voice. Op-eds are sent in by members of the public who are unaffiliated with The DTH. These articles should contain diverse voices and developed arguments from all kinds of communities and audiences — and they should challenge that audience too.

Readers don’t need to agree with these articles. Exposure to opinions different from your own is imperative for avoiding confirmation bias and bolstering open-mindedness. Listening to opposing opinions can broaden perspectives and will strengthen your own ideas.

Every Opinion writer holds their own beliefs in what an opinion piece should do for its audience and its niche within a paper. This column itself is an opinion, the opinion of myself and my desk. A great opinion piece brings a fresh, interesting or creative approach to timely and relevant topics. A great opinion piece is, at its core, biased and opinionated. A great opinion piece is risky. A great opinion piece raises hell.


@dthopinion |

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