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The Daily Tar Heel

Column: What to expect from this year’s football preview

Sports Editor: Caroline Wills

Caroline Wills is the 2024-2025 sports editor for The Daily Tar Heel.

I’m a little new to this.

On the first Saturday of August, I dressed in my best business slacks — my favorite pair of sage green pants — and spent my first day off from my summer internship trudging up to Chapel Hill to cover my first UNC football team media availability. 

Filled with nervous energy, I showed up obnoxiously early, questioned if I was at the correct entrance and called my assistant editor Emma Moon for verified directions. Then, I called last year’s sports editor, Shelby Swanson, to double-check. I may or may not have hid behind a brick wall. Turns out, I had the right door all along. 

Inside, I was among a cohort of seasoned journalists holding cameras, phones and notepads, making conversation that varied from this year’s team to the weather. I could count the number of women on one hand. 

I claimed my spot for the interviews and bounced from one foot to the other. A thin layer of sweat was starting to gather on my skin, and the players hadn’t even stepped up to the podium yet. 

When new faces and recognizable figures walked up to speak, I battled to get my questions heard, frantically jotted down timestamps for good quotes and thoughtfully listened to their responses. 

As the nerves started to fade, a combination of adrenaline, excitement and passion was stepping into their place. Confirmation, in some ways, that this is where I’m supposed to be. 

Yes, I’m a little new to this kind of thing. A football press conference wasn’t in my bag until then. But the work that goes into telling stories for the Sports desk here at The Daily Tar Heel? No, that’s nothing new. 

Those green pants have seen press row for women’s basketball games in Carmichael Arena, the press box inside of Karen Shelton Stadium and the bright blue seats of the Chewning Tennis Center. 

In the coming days, I’ll do another new thing, maybe still wearing those sage slacks.

With the help of our staff, I’ll produce my first special edition paper as sports editor. Next week, you can hold in your hands a crisp copy of this year’s football preview — a culmination of the blood, sweat and tears poured into stories by the entire DTH Sports desk. 

One-of-a-kind athlete features built from interviews and reporting collected during our staff’s summer vacation because the grind never stops. 

Position previews analyzing who you should pay attention to on the field, so you can feel like an expert before the first game of the season. 

How the new quarterbacks stack up against each other. The UNC players who make an appearance on a college football video game. Anecdotes from fall practices to detail the projected impact of a new defensive coordinator. 

Did I mention the beautiful artwork that will make you want to hang this issue on your wall?

All of it and a little more, will be hitting blue boxes next Wednesday. 

Yes, new things are a little nerve-wracking, but I’ll wait for that adrenaline, excitement and passion to set in and be ready to do it all over again.


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