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Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Renovations for Bingham and Memorial Halls have continued through the first week of classes, impacting students, employees and community members on campus. 

Bingham Hall, which previously housed UNC’s Department of Communication, is undergoing renovations that are expected to continue through August 2025.

Avi Santo, professor and chair of the communication department, said that there have been concerns about black mold in the walls and in the ventilation systems for several years. In 2019, the University authorized that a renovation was essential in order to replace the system with a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit.

Santo said thatBingham has essentially been abandoned for almost four years, saying that the department was relocated to Bynum Hall around the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Santo said that the department and its faculty have been in Bynum since the original move due to delays in the renovation project.

In addition to the replacement of the HVAC system, UNC Media Relations Manager Beth Lutz wrote in a statement to The Daily Tar Heel that Bingham is undergoing other replacements including the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems, along with a partial roof replacement and window restoration. In the interior, renovations include new floor plans to support academic programming and office needs. 

Santo said that the consequences of the project have been manageable. However, there are no classrooms in Bynum, which he said decreases the amount of community building within the department.

UNC sophomore Brooks Stevenson said he found it annoying that the construction was not finished over the summer and is now obstructing a busy student intersection on campus. 

“I just think it might cause students to be late for class if they don’t find different routes,” said Stevenson. “I get that it has to be done, but I wish they found a better time of the year to do it.” 

Santo acknowledged the inconvenience and frustration for students who need to walk by the building.

“We hope that the end result, when it's finally complete, will be worthwhile,” he said. “That it’ll be a space where students want to spend time, and it'll be a place for faculty and students to all feel safe and healthy.”

Alongside Bingham Hall, Memorial Hall is also undergoing renovations. Lutz wrote that the building’s 20,000 square-foot roof is being replaced due to significant leakage. The replacement requires the closing of the building's loading dock and part of Hanes Hall Parking Lot.

Bobbie O’Connor, the senior director of external affairs for Carolina Performing Arts, wrote in an email to The DTH that Memorial Hall hosts around 50 performances and events annually, as well as hosting artists, students and faculty for tech rehearsals, projects and educational and training opportunities. 

O’Connor said the roofing replacement was intentionally scheduled for the summer between the performance seasons to prevent disruptions.

“Over the course of the year, it averages out that Memorial Hall is utilized every other day by our community,” he said

Before this project, O’Connor said that the balcony seating had to be closed off for select performances due to roof-related obstacles. He said that the new roof will repair the leaks so that the theater is able to utilize all available seating. 

The current estimated date for completion of the roof repairs is October 2024. Lutz said that next summer, Facilities Services hopes to complete interior plaster repairs and repaint the ceiling inside Memorial Hall.

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