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Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Saxsquatch Flash Mob combines the power of community with performance

Displaying his signature "rock on" sign, Saxsquatch performs at the intersection of 100 East Franklin Street on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. Colorful streamers wave in the air as the crowd watches on.

Several students walking at the intersection of Franklin and Columbia on Saturday stopped in their tracks and stared at the sasquatch playing the saxophone on the street. The sasquatch was leading a group of people dressed up like elves, fairies and even a disco ball. Some students, decked out in gameday gear, joined in once they learned it was a flash mob.

Saxsquatch, an internet DJ persona, visited Franklin Street Saturday, Set. 28, 2024 to host a flash mob. Attendees donated cans of nonperishable food to PORCH, an organization committed to feeding Chapel Hill and Carrboro community members.

Saturday’s flash mob was a part of Cryptids with a Cause, a joint mob and dance party hosted by the Town of Chapel Hill. Xavier Vallejo, the Town’s events coordinator, said that the event was inspired by Saxsquatch, a Chapel Hill native and a musician known for playing the saxophone in a Bigfoot costume. Saxsquatch — also known Dean Mitchell reached out to the Town about getting the performance opportunity. 

Spectators gather around Saxsquatch as he fills the intersection of 100 East Franklin Street with high energy. People of all ages join the fun on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024.

Mitchell’s saxophone rendition of popular songs, including “Hotel Room Service” by Pitbull, as well as performances by aerialists and acrobats in Imagine Circus, a Raleigh-based entertainment company, kept the energy up. 

“The purpose for this event is to bring the weird back to Chapel Hill, I think really lean into the craziness of what Chapel Hill is as a college town,” Vallejo said.  

The Town combined these performances with a food drive for PORCH, a Carrboro-based organization that distributes food to local schools and over 700 families monthly. 

Laura Malinchock, a board member for PORCH, runs the donation booth on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. PORCH collects donations to provide food for those in need.

Laura Malinchock, a PORCH board member and volunteer, said that the organization has never been a part of a flash mob but hopes the event and Saxsquatch raise awareness of PORCH for college students. 

“I have sons who are in their 20s, and they all know about Saxsquatch, and I’d never heard of them,” Malinchock said. 

PORCH is currently expanding into a choice pantry in downtown Carrboro, opening room for more student volunteer opportunities. Malinchock hopes this event will make people on campus be interested in helping. 

This is the first flash mob-type event that Chapel Hill and Carrboro have put on, and they are waiting to see the reception before they decide on whether it will be an annual event. While this was a new event, the attendees were committed, dressing in bold, unique costumes. 

Molly Matlock, a performer with Imagine Circus, poses at the 100 intersection of East Franklin Street on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. For her, the best part of the job is "making everyone smile."

They weren’t just there to see a celebrity-like figure in Saxsquatch — the costumed attendees were celebrities themselves in a way. Students stopped to take pictures with people they thought were wearing especially fun costumes. 

Suzy Lawrence, who found out about the event either through Facebook or the Town posts, wore fairy wings and elf ears and was excited to see everyone else dressed up as well. 

“All the different cryptids, which I’d never heard of that before, had to look up cryptids,” Lawrence said. “And it’s for a good cause, so I have my little bag of food over there.”

Saxsquatch, an internet DJ persona, visited Franklin Street Saturday, Set. 28, 2024 to host a flash mob. Attendees donated cans of nonperishable food to PORCH, an organization committed to feeding Chapel Hill and Carrboro community members.

A cryptid is any creature that people claim exists even though no conclusive evidence has been found. While Lawrence took this definition literally, others interpreted the mob theme more ambiguously. For example, some people wore octopus hats. 

The event might be an unconventional way to promote a food drive, but Malinchock felt positively about the potential impact.

“I think it’s an untapped market, because we’ve never been to a flash mob, so maybe a lot of the folks attending this won’t have heard about PORCH,” Malinchock said. “So, it’s a chance for us to tell them about PORCH, especially younger folk.” 

Given how curious onlookers were about the event, cryptid flash mobs could become regular occurrences in Chapel Hill. 

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