For the third year in a row, the Master Gardener volunteers of Orange County will host their annual plant sale and garden festival, PlantFest, this Saturday.
The festival will take place on Oct. 5 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Bonnie B. Davis Environment and Agricultural Center in Hillsborough. The Orange County 4-H group will sell coffee and baked goods and there will be a food truck.
Master Gardener volunteer Margaret Alford Cloud said that past events have attracted between 500 and 1,000 attendees. She also said the festival will feature a garden sale, art sale, hands-on demonstrations and children’s activities.
Ginny Phelan, co-chairperson of PlantFest 2024, said PlantFest features nearly 2,000 plants, most of which are native to North Carolina, with prices ranging from $5-$30.
Phelan said that the festival will include educational displays on invasive plants, a biodiversity tent, vermiculture and beehive workshops, a gardening basics booth providing demonstrations on pruning, tool care and composting. There will also be hands-on activities for children to learn about various insects and gardening methods.
Lynn Calder, the co-chairperson of the PlantFest Kids’ Booth Committee, said the opportunities for children at PlantFest include a butterfly wing craft, a scavenger hunt and potting seedlings, as well as educational activities such as a vermiculture tank and a plant growth model.
"We hope it encourages parents to come because it's someplace they can bring kids and get kids activities and [it] gives them a fun interesting thing to do on a Saturday morning," she said.
Calder said that despite the event being impacted by rain last year, she is excited for PlantFest’s turnout this year.