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Friday, Oct. 11, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Demonstrators picket outside University Day Celebration, Roberts formally installed


Pro-Palestine demonstrators gathered outside of Memorial Hall in Chapel Hill, N.C. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2024.

As University Day commenced with Chancellor Lee Roberts’ formal installation on Friday, pro-Palestine protestors picketed outside Memorial Hall. Demonstrators were organizing for the concluding day of the UNC Students for Justice in Palestines’ “Week of Resistance.”

They stood in a line behind a layer of fencing, holding up banners and signs while chanting phrases including “end the killing, stop the crime, Israel out of Palestine” and “it is right to rebel, UNC burn in hell.” Across the street, students and community members observed the demonstration.

Cars decorated with keffiyehs drove in front of Memorial Hall, honking as protestors cheered. 

Inside, UNC System President Peter Hans presented Roberts with the Chancellor's Medallion.

“Chancellor [Roberts], I don't know that I've ever met anyone quite so eager to listen while so many people tell him he's wrong on any given subject,” Hans said.

Lee Roberts swears on the Bible during his chancellorship induction ceremony on University Day in Memorial Hall on Friday, Oct. 11, 2024.

After Roberts took his oath of office and transitioned into his address, a group of around 25 demonstrators stood up in the audience. Members of the group held up their hands, all wearing gloves with red paint on their palms. 

The demonstrators were then led out of the auditorium by police, as other officers watched from corners of the room, and Roberts continued his address.

People raise their red-painted hands in protest during the University Day ceremony in Memorial Hall on Oct. 11, 2024.

The University Policy on freedom of speech and expression says that UNC may refuse or remove anyone who “substantially interferes with or disrupts the University’s operations.”

A message was also played in the venue a few minutes before the event began, saying that due to free speech guidelines, participants may not interrupt the event or hold signs that would obstruct others from viewing the ceremony. The message said that those in violation would be escorted out, and if they did not comply, they would be removed and arrested.

The North Carolina Restore and Preserve Free Speech Act also states that institutions will implement sanctions on anyone who disrupts their functions or others’ free expression in ways including “demonstrations that infringe upon the rights of others to engage in and listen to expressive activity.”

As those inside joined the picketing, the group grew to around 100 students, faculty and community members. 


Pro-Palestine demonstrators walk in front of Memorial Hall on Oct. 11, 2024.

Members of UNC-CH, North Carolina State University, UNC Wilmington and UNC School of the Arts police, along with members of the Homeland Security Investigations Task Force were stationed around the building. Two security cameras were also located in front and behind Memorial Hall.

“Chapel Hill PD, KKK, IOF, they’re all the same,” demonstrators chanted. 

The crowd walked in a group around Gerrard Hall, where an event was later held for some members of the University Day ceremony, recommencing in front of Memorial Hall. Later, demonstrators walked around the right side of the hall, being stopped police near Curtis Media Center.

The group was blocked from moving further by three UNC-CH police on bikes, telling them to “get back,” along with one NC State police officer. Three other officers were standing behind the group, talking to a protester, with one holding what appeared to be a pellet gun.

Pro-Palestine demonstrators linked arms in solidarity after being halted by police in Chapel Hill, N.C. on Monday, Oct. 11, 2024. The activists were stopped and redirected by police following a mobilized demonstration outside of Memorial Hall.

The group of demonstrators then returned to the front of Memorial Hall, dispersing at around 12:20 p.m.

As the University Day installation concluded, attendees walked out from behind fencing, with some escorted by UNC police on bikes. Members of UNC administration, including Roberts, later left the building from the back and side exits.

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Police remained outside Gerrard Hall as some University Day attendees filed in for a following event.

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