In December, the Town of Carrboro created a new office focused on environmental sustainability. The new office will oversee the Town’s climate action goals.
Amy Armbruster, a Carrboro resident and former sustainability manager for the City of Durham, will head the new office as the chief sustainability officer.
Armbruster said she is incredibly grateful to serve her home community.
“Carrboro is an incredibly progressive, innovative town that cares deeply about sustainability, about race, equity,” she said. “Working not only in my own community, but in this community that cares so much about these issues — I couldn't pass it up.”
Armbruster previously worked at the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) where she was involved in renewable energy work.
She said her passion for sustainability came long before she started her career. Growing up in the Mid-Hudson Valley region of New York next to her uncle’s apple orchards, she cultivated a deep care for the environment.
“I spent a lot of my time as a child and a young adult outside exploring the forest and the streams," Armbruster said. “So that's really where my interest in this field was born.”
The new office will evaluate how different Town's departments are engaging in sustainability efforts, Town Manager Patrice Toney said.
Armbruster said the Town intends to reduce its carbon footprint. Carrboro is aiming to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent from their 2010 baseline by 2030, she said.