The snowfall that blanketed UNC’s campus on Friday and Saturday was a rare sight. Students took to all parts of campus including the Pit, Old Well and Kenan Stadium field to make snow angels, throw snowballs and get a taste of the wintertime magic.
Charles Konrad, a professor in the Department of Geography and Environment and director of the Southeast Regional Climate Center, said that the last measurable snowfall at UNC was three years ago, in January 2022.
Sarah McElroy was a first-year in 2022 and she said she remembers it being somewhat similar to the recent snow showers. She said it was early in the semester and very icy, with higher amounts of snow fall and lower temperatures.
McElroy said she also remembers trudging — and sometimes sliding — through the snow and ice to get to the dining hall. She said lot of people were outside playing in the snow on South Campus.
“I remember people were trying to figure out how to sled down that big hill that goes down toward the Dean Dome,” McElroy said.
McElroy said that her mother also attended UNC and would tell stories about students taking trays from Lenoir to sled on when it snowed.
In other years, there have been snowball fights, snowman-building and sculpture contests for students to take part in. The sculptures have included rams, dragons, caterpillars and geometric snowmen.
Anna Curtis, a chemistry professor who went to UNC as an undergraduate student, has fond memories of snow on campus.