Graduate midfielder Spencer Wirtheim never played Catan before transferring to UNC.
It's a board game the Tar Heels frequently play as a team bonding exercise. And since he left Cornell, Wirtheim still hasn't won a contest on his own. His only victory is a joint win after teaming up with senior defensive midfielder Cooper Frankenheimer.
Despite his inexperience with Catan, the team included Wirtheim in the game when he transferred. While his board game skills are still a work-in-progress, he meshed with the Catan-playing Tar Heels in other ways.
On Sunday afternoon, this newfound bond came to life in No. 5 UNC men's lacrosse's 20-7 rout of Jacksonville at Dorrance Field. Wirtheim tallied two goals and two assists with both numbers setting highs in a Carolina Blue uniform. Since transferring, the team has looked to him for his leadership, poise and character both on and off the field.
Wirtheim considers transferring to North Carolina the best decision he has made. He scheduled a visit with Duke, but canceled it after visiting UNC and meeting the team.
“I fell in love with this place, and I'm really glad I'm here," Wirtheim said.
At Cornell, he recorded 33 goals over three seasons and 46 games.
For head coach Joe Breschi, picking up Wirtheim from the transfer portal was a no-brainer. He saw his experience and leadership and knew the team would welcome it.
From the moment he stepped into the locker room, his personality meshed with the team, making for a smooth transition onto the field.