Last Tuesday marked the eighth annual GiveUNC, a fundraiser where thousands of students, faculty and community members donate to support the University.
Associate Director for Annual Giving Carissa Sweet said that GiveUNC is an opportunity for everyone to give back to the University.
On Tuesday morning and afternoon, GiveUNC held an event for students at the Bell Tower.
“It makes it fun,” Sweet said. “Specifically here on campus, we have this event where students can come get swag, win prizes and for the broader Carolina community online, we're able to communicate with them through emails. And it really shows the power of collective giving.”
Caroline Shi, a junior who attended the GiveUNC event, said that she thinks that the event could inspire students to want to give back to the University.
Abby Poirier, another junior at the event, said that she mainly came to receive Campus Life Experience credit but then realized the event was an actual campus life experience.
“It allows for a lot of different schools and clubs, organizations, even the Student Stores to get a word out there about how they want to promote themselves to a wide audience of students that probably normally wouldn't see that,” Poirier said.
This year, UNConditionally Carolina ’25, the University’s senior giving campaign, coincided with GiveUNC. UNC seniors and their families who donate $20.25 or more by April 29 will receive limited-edition Class of 2025 pins.
For GiveUNC, people donated to various opportunities including scholarship programs like the Carolina Covenant, professional schools like the Kenan-Flagler Business School and student resources like the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid.