U.S. Rep David Price, D – N.C., laid out an economic plan and responded to constituent concerns in a town hall-style meeting Monday.
Price, who is up for reelection in 2012 and has represented the state’s fourth district since 1987, denounced oppositions to tax hikes and encouraged prudent fiscal spending.
“You don’t get there from partisan talking points and building them into absolutes,” Price said. “It starts with the tax code.”
In his three-point plan for economic recovery, Price stressed the importance of federal jobs and stimulus projects, reclaiming the U.S. manufacturing system, and long-term fiscal health.
Price also advocated for a strong investment strategy, referencing Research Triangle Park as a successful and deliberate outcome for North Carolina.
Constituents in attendance showed a similar concern for the economy, with an emphasis on vulnerable nations like Greece.
Other constituents showed concern for programs that are under threat from the continual onslaught of budgetary cuts to discretionary spending, such as cancer research and education.
“All spending is not created equal,” Price said. “Let’s have the fortitude to defend what deserves defense.”
Price also spoke of his current proposal to Congress that would make super PAC spending more visible and transparent. Price proposed adding a scroll-bar of text along the bottom of political ads, which would include a list of the top five contributors to each ad.
Recent redistricting maps double-bunked Price with 13th district congressman Brad Miller, which has caused some discontent within the Democratic constituency.
“(Price) is great, one of our most active and admired congressmen,” said Millie Hunter, a Hillsborough resident. “But I don’t like the way the Republicans redistricted at all, we need as many Democrats as we can get.”
Hillsborough resident Allan Greene said though he is a Republican, Price’s agenda of prudent spending lines up closely with his own.
“He has not had any competition in terms of able competition. I’m firmly in his corner,” Greene said.
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