If you grabbed a copy of the DTH this morning, you likely saw the N.C. State Technician spoof paper, The Daily Tar Hell. The editors there produce a joke paper each year when the two schools’ men’s basketball teams meet up and are nice enough to deliver copies to UNC. We like to joke that for at least one day a year their paper looks nice, since they copy our style to make it look authentic.
Of course, this isn’t the only rivalry we have with Triangle-area college papers. There is also the bet carried out each year between DTH editors and those at Duke’s Chronicle. Losing team has to print its flag in the other school’s colors and declare their superiority. Chronicle editors have been known to print a “Daily Tar Hole” on game days as well.
And here at UNC, students have created @dailytarhole and @thedailytarhell Twitter accounts (these accounts having nothing to do with the Technician and Chronicle spoofs). All this is good fun and keeps us on our toes.
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