Mid-semester grades are up, fall break is over, and everyone is gearing up for one of the busiest times of year here at UNC. The time between fall break and final exams is one where everyone seems to have papers to write, grades to improve and finals to prepare for — and not a lot of time to spare.
Check out these tips to help you better manage what time you do have when writing those papers and studying for exams and learn some great ways to release that stress that never seems to go away this time of year.
Start early- This probably sounds pretty typical, but it really is the best way to avoid unwanted stress when doing assignments. Procrastination is the worst thing any student can do when it comes to studying, and most students will say that procrastination really doesn’t help grades in the long run. Know when an assignment is due, and be sure to have a good bearing on how long it will take you to do the assignment. When you have that bearing on how long it is going to take, you’ll find it is extremely easy to break up an assignment into easily manageable intervals.
Be consistent- Once you know how long an assignment is going to take, break it down into small intervals rather than working on it in huge chunks all at once. Using this method will help you manage all of your assignments, rather than having to pick and choose what assignments you will do. You will also find that working on an assignment over time will help you develop your ideas and improve your assignments in the long run.
Keep a habit- Once you’ve decided how to break down an assignment, pick a certain time of day to work on it. This is also an awesome way to study for tests. Pick an hour or so each day to devote to each assignment. Concentrating on an assignment during a specific time will give you ample time for other assignments, and also plenty of time to devote to yourself.
Don’t forget about you- You’re going to be busy no matter what, so don’t forget that you also have yourself to think about during exam times. Pick an hour a day just to relax, either by reading, going to the gym, watching TV, playing sports, whatever it takes just to chill out and take your mind off whatever you have going on. This will help you come back to assignments free of stress and ready to devote time to what you need to do.
Do you have any suggestions on how to be productive during crunch time before the end of the semester? Comment below.
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