I can definitely say I tend to be fairly unprepared for an immense amount of events that happen throughout my life.
Walking to class on a rainy day is arguably the one thing I’ve been most unprepared for this year.
Typically back home if it were to rain you just go inside, right?
Or get in your car, get under a shelter, etc.
There’s not much walking involved, and you don’t really need an umbrella. Unless you’re just feeling overly prepared, and you really have your life together.
I wasn’t that person.
I had a rude awakening that started Wednesday, Sept. 23. That’s when the monsoon hit.
I didn’t even have an umbrella.
Could the rain really just come pouring down like that knowing I don’t have an umbrella. I mean c’mon, where is the decency?
So my only option left, was basically to swim to class.
Literally swim.
Not walk.
Completely, utterly, and 100% unpleasant, but I learned some valuable lessons.
1. Bring your umbrella to class
“Do I really need it?” Yes.
2. Wear rain boots
Getting your socks wet feels worse than getting a failing grade.
3. Don't miss the bus
Okay, maybe this is just me, but still it cuts out, like, the whole lap around the pool that is the walk to class.
4. Avoid the Pit
Unless you wanna test your backstroke.
5. Wear a long sleeve shirt under your jacket
Breaking news: sometimes rain is actually cold.
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