The Daily Tar Heel
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The Daily Tar Heel
FAQ: Joining the newsroom

Here are common questions about the newsroom hiring process. If you have more specific questions, you can contact Editor-in-Chief Praveena Somasundaram.

The Daily Tar Heel is currently hiring for the spring 2022 semester. You can find the application here.

Q: How can I join the DTH staff?

A: We hire three times a year, at the beginning of each semester and during the summer. Applications are available online and at our office.

Q: Do I need to be a journalism major to join?

A: No. Everyone is welcome to apply from any department at the University. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Q: Can I join staff if I'm taking online classes or not coming to Chapel Hill this summer?

Yes. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are allowing all of our staffers to work remotely.

Q: Do I need any previous experience?

A: No. The Daily Tar Heel is a teaching paper, and the editors are ready and willing to help new staff members learn new skills. We will teach you how to do anything on the paper that you want to learn how to do. If you worked for your high school paper or another campus paper you can include some of those clips with your application, but it is not necessary. All applicants will be asked to provide a sample of their work specific to the desks applied for, but it does not have to be a published clip.

Q: What if I'm a first-year?

Your first year at college is an important opportunity for you to figure out how to manage your time and how you want to spend it. The Daily Tar Heel wants first-year staffers to learn, work and become part of the DTH while they're settling into college life. First-semester first-years will work one day per week. When possible, they'll be teamed up with senior staffers on projects to encourage friendships and mentoring relationships. Second semester, first-years will work two days per week as a full staff member.

Q: What positions are available?

A: New staff members can apply to any of the following desks: University, City & State, Sports, Copy & Audience Engagement, Photo, Multimedia and Design & Graphics. Editors, assistant editors and senior reporters all are hired after working on staff for at least one semester. The opinion desk has separate applications.

Q: What is the time commitment?

A: Each desk is structured differently. New staff members are asked to work one day per week, and returning staffers work two. Joining the DTH is something you can do in addition to other activities on campus. You will be able to choose your own work days to fit the DTH in with your class schedule. You are expected to update your editors on your story throughout the day. Staffers are also required to attend Orientation, occasional desk meetings and at least four training workshops their first semester. Feel free to contact our editors directly with questions about a specific desk. 

Q: Will I get the desk I want?

A: The application asks you to prioritize your top three desk choices. If you don't get your first choice, and still want to work for that desk at the end of the semester, there's a process for switching desks.

Q: Where is the newsroom?

A: The DTH office is located just off campus at 109 E. Franklin St.

Q: Can I join other groups?

A: Yes, as long as they do not violate the conflict of interest policy. As a general rule, you cannot be an active member of any political groups such as the Young Democrats or College Republicans and write about them, you cannot be a member of Student Government, and you cannot hold a top leadership position in any group. If you are involved in anything that you think might violate this policy but is not explicitly listed in the policy, talk to a member of management about your specific case.

Q: Do I get paid?

A: No. Staff members do not get paid for their work. Editors and assistant editors do receive a monthly paycheck.

Join the DTH

The Daily Tar Heel has student job opportunities in all departments. The job opportunities require different skill sets but more importantly, a willingness to learn and work hard. Our graduates go on to top jobs in journalism, advertising, politics, technology, the law and many other professions. Check out this page to learn more about job opportunities in each department.

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The Daily Tar Heel is the independent, nonprofit media lab for the University of North Carolina and the communities of Orange County. Since 1893, we have been the community's investigator, advocate and fact-checker.

We are also an independent, nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status. Donate today to Start the Presses and support the future of independent student media.