The Daily Tar Heel
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The Daily Tar Heel

Heels Housing LIVE!

The Daily Tar Heel is proud to present Heels Housing LIVE! and the #ShowYourCarolina photo contest for 2015.

#ShowYourCarolina contest

You can win an autographed UNC basketball or a first housing lottery pick sponsored by UNC Housing and Residential Education - and more great prizes - by entering The Daily Tar Heel's 3rd annual Heels Housing LIVE! contest.

Contest Rules

How to enter:

  • To enter, tweet ONE (1) photo of how you #ShowYourCarolina to The Daily Tar Heel at @DTHHousingFair.
  • Your tweet must include the hashtag #ShowYourCarolina.
  • You can #ShowYourCarolina with your bedroom or dorm room decor, with your friends, at a game, or in any other scene that is a great Carolina image.
  • Submissions will be accepted through Friday January 30th at 11:59 p.m.

How winners will be chosen:

  • The winner of the UNC housing lottery pick will be chosen by a joint committee of the Housing Marketing Team and The Daily Tar Heel marketing team.
  • Only one (1) winning person will be selected for the UNC housing lottery pick. Even if you have friends in your picture, only the person who submits the photo will be declared the winner.
  • Photos will be judged on the level of spirit and engagement shown in your presentation of how you #ShowYourCarolina.
  • Winners of all other prizes in the contest will be chosen by random drawing of the names of the entrants.
  • Winners will be announced at the DTH Heels Housing LIVE! Fair on Wednesday February 4th starting at noon. The DTH Facebook page will also display the winners names the next day.

Terms  & Conditions:

  • Contestants must be current students at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
  • Photos must be appropriate for sharing with the Carolina community
  • Rooms or behavior that demonstrate any violation of the Community Living Standards will be disqualified.
  • UNC Housing & Residential and The Daily Tar Heel will assume unlimited rights to use all photos and video entries for marketing and publicity purposes on their websites, in print and in any other form of communication. With the exception of contest winners, photos and videos of rooms used in marketing and publicity will always be publicized anonymously. 
  • Students who hold paid positions at The Daily Tar Heel are not eligible to win.
Special Print Edition
The Daily Tar Heel's 2024 DEI Special Edition