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(09/19/18 5:58pm)
What do I remember from my first middle school dance? I remember the fairy lights perfunctorily strung up around the St. Elizabeth’s gymnasium, and the crowds of sweating, rowdy Catholic school kids, ferried in from all corners of Montgomery County, Maryland to grind indiscriminately with each other. I remember an eighth grade boy from Mater Dei, an all-boys Catholic middle school in our area, walking up to me and asking me to give him a blowjob. And I distinctly remember telling him to go fuck himself. I remember the adrenaline rush of standing up for myself, and the concurrent swell of queasiness I felt when I thought about this random boy, with his adolescent swagger, feeling entitled enough to ask me for something that I didn’t even fully understand yet. I remember feeling small and ridiculed, despite my big, confident refusal. I was 12.
(09/03/18 4:23am)
Happy Labor Day! To celebrate, I’ve spent the weekend eating my weight’s worth in food, watching Seinfeld and visiting my loved ones. What’s most important is that I’ve done nothing resembling work or productivity in at least 48 hours.
(09/02/18 11:50pm)
It was not so long ago that the first revelations of scandal in the Catholic Church came to light in an investigation published by “The Boston Globe”. The abuses revealed in 2002 were horrific, almost beyond belief. The idea that those who are most trusted in a community could betray the faith placed upon them in such a manner is nearly unthinkable. It is with a heavy heart, then, that I have watched as new revelations about the sexual abuse and manipulation of both minors and young men came to the surface recently. I had respected Pope Francis for the way that he cared about his charges — or seemingly cared.
(08/31/18 4:09am)
Update 11:32 a.m.: UNC has provided a statement to The Daily Tar Heel from Adrienne Allison, director of Title IX compliance, saying it is aware of The New York Times story.
(08/07/18 9:44pm)
It’s a common occurrence. As Taylor Swift fans, we must endure the slander every day. Every time her name is mentioned, someone invariably says: “I like her music, but I don’t like her.”
(07/09/18 4:26am)
We talked to Caitlin McCabe about Title IX and her experience with reporting about campus sexual assault years ago.
(07/09/18 4:29am)
Caitlin McCabe wrote for the Daily Tar Heel from August 2010 to May 2013. Currently, she is the real estate reporter for the Inquirer. McCabe reported extensively on UNC's sexual assault and Title IX cases. Summer University Editor David Saff spoke with her to gain some broader context following the conclusion of the OCR's investigation into the University.
(06/29/18 4:47am)
Good Morning and Happy Friday!
(06/29/18 4:41am)
The North Carolina Middle District Court heard a lawsuit Monday that challenges House Bill 142, the replacement for House Bill 2.
(06/27/18 4:58am)
After a five-year federal investigation into UNC’s policies and practices dealing with sexual assault and sexual harassment cases, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights found the University in violation of Title IX.
(04/27/18 12:46am)
In the three years I’ve been on the editorial board, we’ve talked about roughly the same issues every semester. We always talk about Silent Sam, the Board of Governors, (un)affordable housing in Chapel Hill, privatization and corporatization of the University, the increasing development of Chapel Hill, fraternities, the (f)utility of the student body president, allocation of student fees, the state of athletics, the state town and gown relations, the University administration’s (in)ability to take public stances and CUAB’s (in)ability to get good musicians to play at Homecoming and Jubilee.
(04/26/18 8:26am)
To empower survivors of rape and sexual assault, the Student Safety and Wellness Committee of the Undergraduate Student Government Executive Branch hosted a Take Back the Night march on Wednesday evening. Around 20 students marched across campus and Franklin Street to bring awareness to the sexual violence against women, men and non-binary individuals by men.
(04/23/18 11:35pm)
As the 2017-18 school year draws to a close, the DTH wants to bring back the biggest campus stories of the year. So much has happened that it would be impossible to fit everything in, but here are the top 12. Happy LWOC!
(04/23/18 3:40am)
Good morning, Tar Heels! As you begin your LWOC, here are some updates on senior day sports, UNC’s cost of attendance and a “reverse” town hall meeting:
(04/22/18 10:17pm)
UNC student stands in front of Kenan Memorial Stadium on Thursday, April 19th.
(04/22/18 11:08pm)
When first-year students move into their dorm rooms, they will be unaware it is a place on campus that has been called “rape-supportive,” that it is one of many places contributing to a college environment and culture that is called “rape-prone.”
(04/20/18 3:01am)
According to UNC student responses to the AAU survey, over 68 percent of students who reported being sexually assaulted in any manner said they never reported the assault because they thought it would be too difficult or embarrassing, or that it wasn’t serious enough.
(04/20/18 3:27am)
Editor's note: this story includes a graphic depiction of injuries that were allegedly sustained during a sexual assault incident.
(04/19/18 12:58am)
As the school year ends, junior Savannah Putnam is taking on the role of student body president in senior Elizabeth Adkins’ place. In her administration, Adkins focused on mental health, diversity and sexual assault prevention.