The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Campus briefs


CorrectionDue to a reporting error, the Nov. 18 brief "UNC's long-distance service goes down for two hours" states that Battery Technology Inc. was contacted ...

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The Daily Tar Heel

A common goal


When a new president takes office, he inherits the shortcomings of the previous administration. Rarely does an official arrive with a clean slate in ...

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The Daily Tar Heel

Dive recommends


"The Last Samurai" - Tom Cruise delivers an amazing performance in this film as a haunted Civil War veteran whose experience slaughtering Native Americans ...

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The Daily Tar Heel

Project moves toward next step

A Texas real estate consultant hired by the town of Chapel Hill to create a model for a major redevelopment project downtown says his portion of the work ...

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The Daily Tar Heel

Short of the prize


A number of students recently have been vocal in their complaints about the ticket distribution process for UNC sporting events - and it's only right ...

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