You Asked for It: In which we discuss summer plans as volleyball fans
Perry Carter (calc-u-later) and James Scalise (wrecked-angle) are the writers of UNC’s premier (only!) satirical advice column. Results may vary.
Perry Carter (calc-u-later) and James Scalise (wrecked-angle) are the writers of UNC’s premier (only!) satirical advice column. Results may vary.
At UNC we celebrate our own version of Holi known as Holi Moli, a way to connect our campus and celebrate our diverse community.
If education is key to the advancement of our collective public good, then the more unlocked doors we can provide for it, the better.
Whatever decision the United States and its allies pursue will have consequences for the Middle East writ large. So, what should we do?
Controversial thinkers are the mainstay of historical moments. They look at the world and find it wanting in some way. But not only do they find it wanting, they strive against the status quo. Sometimes, these people are on the wrong side of history. Other times, they are not. Either way they promote discourse and deep thought and sometimes even action.
In the past I have proposed that one of my cats, Ariel, be named to the Board of Governors. An even more pressing issue has stemmed from that article; the other cat who torments me daily, Meta, is jealous of the undue attention paid to Ariel. After much consideration I have reached the conclusion that she should be named Chancellor of UNC.
Balancing the need for luxury and affordable housing is hard enough, but Chapel Hill also has thousands of students competing with working class families for cheap housing options. In context, it is no wonder the area has challenges finding housing for everyone.
The town got it right this time and actively made students’ commutes home safer. Still, students have a responsibility to voice their concerns to local governance.
"I hope all of our MJ-school women and men will be prepared when the next unwarranted and unwelcome “come on” is mixed up with a professional media request."
Portraying Soviet memes as acceptable whereas Nazi memes are unacceptable is outright denying history.
To all the hopeful Tar Heels visiting campus: I’ve been where you are now.
The Chapel Hill Town Council decision to continue with plans to displace a mobile home community in place of a luxury apartment complex in January was met with much criticism from organizations like the Chapel Hill Alliance for a Livable Town. The Town Council did not do much to accommodate those that were going to lose their homes, but this is a lesson that students can learn from because helping community members who need it most is more important than town development.
“It is a luxury to be able to be disgusted,” Herz says, citing the fact that if “you don’t have anything else to eat other than some who’s dead beside you,” you will quell your disgust in order to survive.
Perry Carter ( and James Scalise ( are the writers of UNC’s premier (only!) satirical advice column. Results may vary.
The opioid epidemic continues to outpace the policies meant to lessen its hold on our communities.
The solution to the widespread gun violence we are seeing, and school shootings more specifically, is not for more police officers to be put in schools.
The problem with this article is that it insinuates that students involved in Greek life on campus are more inclined to use these dangerous substances
When will there be change in North Carolina regarding gun laws?