The Daily Tar Heel
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Sunday, March 2, 2025 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

Greeks need to accept responsibility, move on


TO THE EDITOR:Let’s be real here. Stop being defensive and screaming “unfair” because the Greek community is in the spotlight of attention right now. After all, to an extent, you have earned it.First, as an alumnus of the Greek community at UNC, I can say confidently that the vast majority of the Greek community are hard working and good natured people. And yes, a few bad apples do ruin the image for everyone. Welcome to life in the real world.

The Daily Tar Heel

Gender pay gap is not as drastic as column indicates


TO THE EDITOR:I don’t get the purpose of Tuesday’s column (“‘Mad women’ and the pay gap,” Sept. 22). Was it to inform us about the show “Mad Men” or misinform us about the pay gap? Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist of the U.S. Department of Labor, had this to say in her blog: The 77 percent figure comes from comparing the 2007 full-time median annual earnings of women with men, the latest year available from the Census Bureau.

The Daily Tar Heel

Efficiency the right focus: UNC’s road map for climate action a good start


The University’s new Climate Action Plan shows that it is taking sustainability seriously.This comprehensive road map is as ambitious in the long term as it is practical in the short term. It capitalizes on easy opportunities for efficiency now, while setting a target of carbon neutrality by 2050.Climate change is a heavily politicized issue. Words like “green” and “sustainable” are thrown around because they are politically palatable.

The Daily Tar Heel

Making Greeks main focus of DTH coverage is wrong


TO THE EDITOR:I would like to know when the Daily Tar Heel decided to expose the weaknesses of its student body rather than promote their successes. Why has a main focus of this paper become an attack on the Greek community?I was under the impression when I entered this University that I would have the support of my school, whatever group I chose to join.This is not competitive journalism, nor is it even journalism that must make a profit to stay afloat.

The Daily Tar Heel

Housing concerns: Department shouldn’t hire outside help right now


Another outside firm has been hired to do consulting for UNC — this time at a cost of up to $100,000. But why can’t UNC’s Department of Housing and Residential Education identify opportunities for improvement on its own? The firm, Brailsford and Dunlavey, specializes in housing facility planning and development. The study would identify opportunities for housing improvements on and off campus. It would also aid in the development of a cohesive housing strategy before new projects begin.

The Daily Tar Heel

Tape is in public interest: Judge should unseal dashboard camera video of Courtland Smith incident


Randolph County Superior Judge Brad Long should make public the video footage of Courtland Smith’s shooting. The public deserves to examine the circumstances surrounding Smith’s death, especially when law enforcement officials were involved.County Assistant District Attorney Andrew Gregson has asserted that the release of this evidence could taint a jury pool in the event of a trial. But this video is not an inflammatory statement of opinion; it’s fact.

The Daily Tar Heel

DTH blames Greek system, ignores other problems


TO THE EDITOR:With news of only a few members of the Greek community stepping out of line and the entire body being held responsible for these actions, I find it ironic, yet unsurprising, that The Daily Tar Heel has failed to report on itself.Several Daily Tar Heel staff members were cited for underage drinking this weekend, according to police reports.I would venture to say that every organization on campus does some form of illicit behavior to a certain degree.

The Daily Tar Heel

Historical context often missing


Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies of our age is that while the Middle East is the primary theater in which the United States’ military is actively engaged, we as a people know little about the historical context of the wars we are waging in that region.“Experts” tell the American people that the conflict between Western civilization and Islamic civilization, as if the two are completely separate entities with no overlap, have been in conflict with one another for more than a millennium.

The Daily Tar Heel

Congratulations, Carolina Latino Collaborative


The growing number of Latino students on campus have reason to celebrate with the launch of the Carolina Latino Collaborative. And the people involved deserve credit for years of hard work culminating with the opening of the center.A center for Latino students has been in the works for roughly three years, and after tough questions and meetings with administration officials, the project has been realized.The result is an official hub, located in Craige North, for unifying the many diverse Latino groups on campus.

The Daily Tar Heel

Curb your enrollment


For years, the UNC-system Board of Governors had indicated that increasing enrollment is the number one priority for system schools. But recent data indicate that some schools within the system have graduation and retention rates well below their peers. We’re glad that the board is now focusing on increasing overall educational quality.Pending approval by the N.C. General Assembly, state funding will soon be partially tied to freshmen retention and six-year graduation rates.

The Daily Tar Heel

Stop acting like children


Both sides in the seemingly never-ending controversy over Youth for Western Civilization need to grow up. It seemed like this debacle would be over when protestor Haley Koch’s case was dismissed. Then it seemed it would be over when Chancellor Holden Thorp reimbursed YWC for its expenses in hosting former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. But on Friday, brochures were anonymously distributed around campus, listing the then-YWC adviser’s home address — showing just how low the “debate” on the topic has sunk.

The Daily Tar Heel

Students’ study abroad cancellation raises concern


TO THE EDITOR:When concerns about Alyssa Valdez’s ability to study abroad were called into question (“UNC kicks student out of study abroad,” Sept. 21) she should have had a meeting with University officials — whether on the phone, Skype or in person. She should not have been simply kicked off of a continent. Being woken up by a professor in the morning certainly does not qualify as a formal enough meeting.

The Daily Tar Heel

DTH unfair to play up the Greek angle with arrests


TO THE EDITOR:This fall, The Daily Tar Heel has put a lot of energy into updating us on scandals involving UNC students. Four students’ mug shots were on the front page last Thursday (“Five arrested on cocaine charges,” Sept. 17) along with obscure details of each person involved. So where is Raymond Cook’s mug shot? Cook was a member of UNC faculty until Sept. 11, when he was charged with the death of Elena Shapiro while driving drunk. This story is of interest to anyone associated with UNC, yet we’ve been given very few details about Cook.

The Daily Tar Heel

From group’s president: YWC isn’t racist, radical


TO THE EDITOR:I was recently shown a flier saying, “Why is your professor supporting white supremacy?” There are a few issues in it that I (an, intriguingly, non-white, non-conservative person) as the president of the UNC Youth for Western Civilization chapter should address:YWC is not about white supremacy.

The Daily Tar Heel

Criticism of Greek system is misguided, often wrong


TO THE EDITOR:Monday’s front page article, “Crisp tells Greeks to shape up,” (Sept. 21) was at best a baseless attack on the Greek system.After the unfortunate and untimely death of Courtland Smith, UNC’s Greek system has been heavily criticized by non-affiliated students and faculty alike. What nobody seems keen to mention is the fact that drinking and drug abuse are prominent problems on any campus in our country.

The Daily Tar Heel

‘Mad Women’ and the pay gap


This Sunday, AMC’s “Mad Men” won its second consecutive Emmy for best drama series. For those unfamiliar, “Mad Men” chronicles the goings-on in a New York ad agency in the 1960s; millions tune in each week to see the staff of Sterling Cooper plan pitches, chain smoke, pinch secretary fannies and barrel unaware toward some of the greatest cultural shifts in history.

The Daily Tar Heel

Medicine to help with stage fright?


Due to an editing error in this column Hannah Thurman’s e-mail address was listed incorrectly. Thurman’s e-mail address is Daily Tar Heel apologizes.