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The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

A mighty pen: Carter set example of integrity for journalists, citizens


Horace Carter was a warrior armed with a pen. The Pulitzer Prize-winning UNC alumnus, credited with taking on the Ku Klux Klan — and winning — passed away this week at the age of 88. While journalists around the country may remember Carter for this battle, the UNC community will also remember him for his kindness. Carter never forgot his roots. He was, as professor emeritus Thomas Bowers recalled, “always grateful to the University and to the department of journalism.”

The Daily Tar Heel

Tighten the bureaucracy: Student government should streamline Cabinet


The executive branch of student government has become incredibly bloated.Under current Student Body President Jasmin Jones, the size of the Cabinet has jumped from 40 to 55 members — a number that makes efficiency a near impossibility. Jones’ Cabinet consists of 18 committees and 12 special projects, most of which have multiple chairmen. The size of the increase alone is equivalent to the entire Cabinet at schools like NC State and Duke — with 18- and 13-member cabinets, respectively.Jones would be wise to streamline her Cabinet.

The Daily Tar Heel

Accessible education: State board right to support community college access for undocumented immigrants


The State Board of Community Colleges made the right decision in supporting the acceptance of undocumented immigrants to community colleges.The decision passed Friday and now must go through a six- to 12-month administrative process before officially becoming law.The new policy overturns an unnecessary and impractical ban that has kept illegal immigrants out of community college since May 2008.The initiative outlined three conditions for allowing undocumented immigrants.

The Daily Tar Heel

Wilcox should try to walk in stilettos and wear makeup


TO THE EDITOR:I always thought that the purpose of going to college was to get an education and improve job prospects. But Justin Wilcox’s column (“Don’t be afraid to look good, ladies,” Sept. 18) shows how wrong I was. I now know that I’m here to improve the campus scenery and make the college experience more enjoyable for “patrons of the arts.”

The Daily Tar Heel

UNC women already have enough to worry about


TO THE EDITOR:When Justin Wilcox wrote his column, (“Don’t be afraid to look good, ladies”, Sept. 18) it was obvious that he has never tried to walk in heels all day on campus. Let me tell you something, Justin: It doesn’t matter how well your heels fit, you will still have blisters and sore feet at the end of the day (and, in all likelihood, a broken ankle).Furthermore, where is this idea of high heels and makeup as beautiful coming from?

The Daily Tar Heel

UNC women not shallow enough for DTH columnist


TO THE EDITOR:Justin Wilcox’s column (“Don’t be afraid to look good, ladies,” Sept. 18) was incredibly offensive on several levels. Mr. Wilcox’s patronizing, sexist tone is infuriating. He asserts that the pain caused by wearing high heels is “an easy problem to fix.” Clearly, women are just buying the wrong shoe size. This is a ludicrous statement, not to mention condescending.

The Daily Tar Heel

Don’t be afraid to look good, ladies


New York Fashion Week has arrived. I’m using this time in the year to foster reflection on what we put in our closets and on our backs. As you read this and think about what your own personal style means for you, fashion week will come and go. It will showcase what we’ll be wearing come spring, before we even get into our winter coats. But, at any time during the year, I want you to dress it up.

The Daily Tar Heel

No note needed : Students should be excused for H1N1 absences


Interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Bruce Carney made the right decision by requesting that UNC’s faculty continue to be flexible with students who are missing class due to H1N1 . Carney sent a note to faculty members asking that they allow excused absences for students who are staying home with H1N1 symptoms, regardless of whether they are able to produce a signed doctor’s note.

The Daily Tar Heel

Money-back guarantee: Chancellor Thorp right to reimburse Youth for Western Civilization for Tancredo debacle


Chancellor Holden Thorp’s decision to compensate Youth for Western Civilization up to $3,000 for bringing in a new speaker was the right one.The decision came after the group’s intended speaker, former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., was unable to address the crowd because of protester disruptions.The speaker shares many of the group’s extreme, xenophobic views and was met with heavy resistance from certain students.But regardless of opinion, everyone has the right to speak, and the situation quickly dissolved into an embarrassment for all parties involved.

The Daily Tar Heel

Review should be public: Town and Chapel Hill Police Department should release investigation into the Charles Brown incident


The Chapel Hill Police Department and the Town of Chapel Hill should complete and release their internal reviews of the Charles Brown incident.As long as these reviews are pending, there can be no real resolution to the question of whether Brown’s detention was racial profiling. And it’s unclear why the investigation has taken so long. Brown was mistakenly detained by Chapel Hill police for about 40 minutes on June 1.

The Daily Tar Heel

Fee requests need to be well-scrutinized by all


TO THE EDITOR:The Sept. 16 edition of the DTH reported under Campus Briefs that “Congress voted without objections to appropriate $3,316.15 to Carolina Review.” This funding decision, in particular, is much more salient when considering two facts. First, two students who have written for the Carolina Review sit on the finance committee of Student Congress, which is the original entity through which any request by a student organization is considered.

The Daily Tar Heel

Fee requests need to be well-scrutinized by all


TO THE EDITOR:The Sept. 16 edition of the DTH reported under Campus Briefs that “Congress voted without objections to appropriate $3,316.15 to Carolina Review.” This funding decision, in particular, is much more salient when considering two facts. First, two students who have written for the Carolina Review sit on the finance committee of Student Congress, which is the original entity through which any request by a student organization is considered.

The Daily Tar Heel

DTH shouldn’t promote film that demeans women


TO THE EDITOR:Walking into the front entrance of UNC Hospitals a few days ago, I spotted a stand for The Daily Tar Heel, above which was a large advertising frame containing a poster for the movie “Sorority Row.” I have not seen this movie, and my knowledge about it derives mainly from a trailer I have seen. The sorority theme, which I’m sure the creators thought would play well to a certain segment of the population, is peripheral to the issue.

The Daily Tar Heel

Tough question: What are you?

Take a moment and ask yourself the following: “What are you?” Does that seem crazy? Now imagine that every form you fill out, every trip to the DMV and almost every person you meet asks you the same prying, intrusive question. Worse yet, you may not have a straightforward answer. No, this isn’t metaphysics — this is part of the multiracial experience in the United States. Kip Fulbeck, whose exhibit “kip fulbeck: part asian, 100% hapa” is currently on display at the FedEx Global Education Center, will be performing there tonight at 7 p.m.

The Daily Tar Heel

QuickHits for Sept. 17


Kanye WestThumbs downHow dare you, Kanye — interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards! Frankly, this story is upsetting enough that it definitely warranted front-page placement on ObamaThumbs upIn response to Kanye West’s drunken outburst at Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards, President Obama called West a “jackass.” We can hear West now: “Barack Obama doesn’t care about black people.”UNC SnugglesThumbs up

The Daily Tar Heel

Park it like it’s hot: Chapel Hill Town Council should adopt resolutions to make some downtown lots free after 6 p.m.


Anyone who has ever attempted to park in downtown Chapel Hill knows what a hassle it can be.There are too few spaces on the street and too few lots, and it’s becoming increasingly rare to carry around a stash of spare quarters to feed a meter. Instead of dealing with these troubles, some drivers simply go elsewhere.This happens all too often, so it’s good news that the Chapel Hill Town Council is looking to change that. The council should adopt the changes suggested earlier this week by Kenneth Pennoyer, the town business management director.

The Daily Tar Heel

U-turn for U-Mall: Developers should pay attention to student market in making University Mall an attractive option


Students should be excited that University Mall is about to be renovated.It’s the ideal candidate for the massive mall makeover it’s slated to receive.In 2007, University Mall was bought for $40 million by Madison Marquette Realty Services, a Washington, D.C.-based developer that specializes in finding neglected malls in great locations. University Mall definitely fits the description. There is certainly a good core at the mall — the Spice Street restaurant and the nationally recognized gourmet retailer A Southern Season, among a few others.

The Daily Tar Heel

Editorial right; Koch went over the line on protests


TO THE EDITOR: I would like to thank The Daily Tar Heel for its editorial on Sept. 14 regarding Haley Koch’s protest of Tom Tancredo’s speech (“Protesters be warned”).I am not an authority on the topic, by any means, but a simple reading of The Instrument of Student Judicial Governance for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill proves explicitly why protesters like Koch cannot be tolerated.

The Daily Tar Heel

Koch should have engaged and not insulted Tancredo


TO THE EDITOR:In response to the letter to the editor entitled “Koch editorial defended elitist, right-wing position,” (Sept. 16), I say that your characterization of Mr. Tancredo is wrong. Mr. Tancredo came to our campus to discuss why he believes that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to attend state colleges or universities. His position on the issue is neither xenophobic nor racist.

The Daily Tar Heel

Editorial right to rebuke Koch for Tancredo actions


TO THE EDITOR:Kudos to the Daily Tar Heel editorial board for defending this university against fascism, censorship, and intolerance (“Protesters be warned,” Sept. 14).Although charges against Haley Koch and several of her partners-in-crime were dismissed, it was perfectly reasonable for the University to attempt to punish these people for disrupting free speech on this campus.